Welcome To Anime Lovers Anonymous !
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Ranma 1/2

Wild Cardz

Devil Hunter Yohko

Blue Seed


Tenchi Muyo

Agent Aika



Wassup All !
Hello to all you people out there ! Welcome to my site. If you havnt guessed already i LOVE ANIME !!! I live for this stuff...I watch, read, and draw anime. I know there are TONS of you out there just like me so I dedicated this site TO YOU THE FANS of anime. Within this site I have reviews of movies, games and other stuff thats all ANIME !!! So have fun and enjoy !
News and other Misc
Hey...the news section should be up and running along with this whole site. I will update here but if you want a full scale update PLEASE go to the news section of my site. Usually I will have upcoming release dates for movies, games ect but since this is all new to me (not anime but webpaging) then it might take a while....thx for your patience...just a quick reminder: this site will have more pics and reviews ASAP...some pages are not done at this time...Im probably going to move to another host site but this will do...for a short period of time...

Well...this is all crazy right now and my reviews page isnt going to be up so please use the links below it that say the title that you are looking for....i will have more reviews later on but i need to figure out some stuff....Thx for your cooperation

Well i hope you all are havning a good week..im sure not...oh well its what they say life gives you lemons make lemonade right ? Well what if life gives you limes ? What then ? Well my life is a LIME and i cant make anything...have a good day anyhow

Tetsuo having a bad day
I think Tetsuo is having some complex problems right now...

Just to remind you...this site is a work in progress...